Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

In light of the recent discussions in one of my post in FB, I shared the following with the people engaged in the discourse. Sharing it here once again. The context is about friendship between a Non-Marxist and Marxist in Kolkata, West Bengal.

It is not that I have never found an association in Kolkata which agrees that era of communism is over. But ultimately I have found that the problem lies even deeper - it is the thought process, the so-called universally accepted and unquestionable supremacy of rational thinking. That way, even negating communism as a socio-political theory, you still fall under the same bracket of communism.
Every human being is on his/her own journey of life. It is the journey, the life that gives birth of a realization. A realization may be that Communism is a failure. Another realization may be that it is the Communism which holds the answer of inequalities prevailed in human society. But in society, the weightage of all the realizations are not equal. If you support/condemn Communism or anything for that matter by quoting and arguing the so-called rational references, most of which are very technical and domain centric, you get a higher weightage. Your voice is heard and your realization is recognized. But if I get into the same conclusion by another lets say irrational way, it is ignored. It matters whether you quote European aka so called 'civilized' references. It matters whether you are expressing the same in a powerful English with enough jargon added to it.
The irrational realization is nullified and so is that person, the human being and his or her journey of life.
If I say I nullify Communism being a rational being, I will still get friends, may be fewer in numbers but if I say I nullify Communism by quoting references let's say Ramakrishna or Bamakhyapa or astrology or a poem or a reference of Islam, I will be isolated again.
I don't fear isolation any more. I started this thread as an expression of feeling not rational. I don't know what is right or wrong neither I am capable and most importantly interested in prescribing or vouching any ism aka grand design solution for the society. All I can and will do is to respect the journey and realization of every individual on earth. Different views enrich me because I can not live multiple lives I will always miss so much of colors, realizations and feelings on earth.
My objective of getting engaged in a discourse is to taste life from multiple views. When Bhaskarda or others share thier experiences, their realizations, I taste those lives a little bit. That way speaking, I envy the guy waiting to be executed tomorrow morning because that is something, some feeling I have not tasted or dare not to test!
Who am I to nullify the journey and realization of Ananta Acharya / Sushanta Kumar or Arindam Biswas? I don't believe anything as a lie, a false. Every thought, every expression expressed through words are constructs and hence they all are true! Do I know for sure that I am not dreaming all these? May be it is a construct of my mind only!
My definition of democracy is to practice this realization and move on in a collective journey. A collection the construct of which might seem rational outwardly as they agree in a lot of basic things but it is a irrational, emotional construct at the end of the day as it appears to me.
Feelings, my friends, feelings. Feelings deserve some place somewhere in a democratic construct.
Btw, to me the word 'rational' itself is a oxymoron as it has the element of nullifying itself in its very definition.

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