Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Drishyam 2050

An ordinary social element like me cannot have vision. Not even a personal one. Because, I don’t know what social engineering processes are going to be applied on me. If I had a vision of creating an Indian brand like KFC with beef biriyani ten years back, I would have started a retail counter first as part of my mission. May be, I own four retail outlets by now. Are these my assets or liabilities now? I cannot afford a “consultant” who will write the document for me; and most importantly, where do I sell this? Besides, vision is not a dream. It must be backed up by facts, data and analysis of contemporary history. For a social data point like an individual in the society that lives in a post-truth era, none of these are available. The color of the information is gray today. A vision demands a stability of political system. Even from market standpoint, hegemony is essential for long term investment. A political system, which was essentially hegemony of Congress is transitioning. It has outlived its life. Will RSS system eventually replace this with hegemony or dominance? Or some other equation is going to be made? So forget about the vision.

What I have is pieces of scenes. Discreet, un or quasi related scenes that appears in credible news sources.

A scene from China where an exclusive thousand bed capacity hospital (read factory) is made for organ transplant. The average lead time for getting an organ is just about a week. They have a systematic steady supply of organs from hospitals across the country.

A news article in “The Hindu” – “Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life's blueprint”. The AP report tells us what to expect now. We can expect explosive aware plants and garbage water absorber trees in shopping mall. It also depicts the very high level blueprint of the solution. The official global version of the research is happening in two labs. But you never know for sure how many unofficial labs are really there across the globe. Unlike nukes, it cannot even be easily tracked by satellites.  The report also talks about some company(s). So, there are commercial manufacturing set up. Business is already there. So, more labs – more business. Sounds good? The obsession of super babies of US and China are mostly captured in the creative art form especially films. But there are good enough objective base for that. Although, chasing the fact base of a concept will mostly lead to fictitious, fake and sometimes politically motivated post-truth.

A conversation with one of my RSS intellectual friend. He tells me about Hindu DNA. A concept which is backed by  some Muslim scholars like Saif Shahin, doctoral research scholar in political communication at the University of Texas at Austin, U.S. The concept talks about Indian DNA. And then remember this – he tells me, “RSS is following the agenda of being Indian. We are not against Indian Muslims as long as they remember and respect their origin. We have plenty of examples of that. Dr. Nazma Hepatulla is the chancellor of Jamia Milia University and governor of Manipur”. You know what, he adds, let me quote the vision of Swami Vivekananda in this regard it goes like “Swami Vivekananda also held that the religions of the world are expressions of one eternal Universal Religion. Since Vedanta contains all the basic principles and laws of the spiritual world, Swamiji regarded Vedanta as that eternal Universal Religion.  That is to say, Vedanta can serve as the common ground for all religions.” In that way, even an Indian Muslim is a Hindu.

And then all those continuous but confusing statements and observations about the ongoing Aadhaar. What is captured in Aadhaar? How much information is there that have potential to be a threat to my existence? What do you mean by privacy? I didn’t know any of these. Until one day I came to know about eKYC. eKYC is an initiative by Government of India to automate financial transactions which is based on biometric authentication. The authentic biometric data is captured in Aadhaar as fingerprint and iris. According to Nandan Nilekarni, at an average fifteen to twenty million biometric transactions are already happening in India daily. The US and UK visa processes are already using biometric measures for application process. Accenture is helping UN to track refugees through biometric solution – a win-win story of business and UN Sustainable Development goal mission 2030. 

I know Google is weird. Even if I do not sign on, it picks up the news article I will be interested in my mobile! I am tracked and I like it! It makes me feel important. A boast to my identity. A friend of mine says me “You know what, I know that I am tracked. I am tracked because I am carrying a mobile. It seems that not carrying a mobile is already an act of offense. But I really don’t care. I do not do anything wrong. Why the state would bother me? The panoptical is there to watch you. So be careful.”

 And then the quote of Mukesh Ambani in a cartoon again in “The Hindu” – “Data is oil”.     
Upanishad tells us that we see in our mind not in eyes. We see the things that are seen by our mind. Global success of novel like “The Devotion of Suspect X” and films like “Drishyam” proves the point. So, one can have Drishyam of future but not a vision.

To arrive at a Drishyam, I was needed to follow a process. I took the approach of a serial killer chaser. Serial killer has his own logic. The detective’s mind must function like that of the killer. Remember, the killer is always at least one step ahead. So, I started meditating to be RSS and here goes the Drishyam 2050.

It is 15th August, 2050. The data capture of the entire population that dwells in India was completed long back in 2022. Every Indian is an Aadhaar i.e. container. A container of huge data like citizenship, religion, cast, address, GPS location identifier, bank account details, criminal records, credit rating, food habit, occupation etc. In addition, it also contains calculated biometric, psychological and genetic metrics like genetic crime indicator, recent psychological trends, friends and foes, life history etc. These are available for administrative purpose. Business can access the data subject to sensitivity on a case to case basis. Makes out a hell lot of data management stuff! No wonder that data mining today has taken the shape of oil mining of yesteryears.

Thus, nobody needs to carry any card anywhere. Devices are there at every transaction point which can identify the person biometrically. We have identified the Indians and automatic genetic biometric measure is used to identify the nationality for Passport. Of course there are exceptions but those are handled on a case to case basis. Every Aadhaar lives in the Matrix. The Matrix is a universally present gigabit network. Everybody has an access to the Matrix. The basic level access is available at no charge. The access empowers a person to declare his/her identity and perform basic transactions like purchase of goods and services and voice, video and text connectivity with others. More access right components like access to telephone directory or yellow pages, digital certificates etc are available at a price. The Matrix providers today like telecom giants of yesteryears provide the Matrix gateway service. When I look back, I feel that may be it all started with a project called Jio way back in 2015. Jio means blessing to live. The Matrix blessed the Aadhaar with Jio.

Development of genetic engineering has made life easier for the state. We know how to control the terrorist gene. Every girl child in the Matrix is given sterilization to deactivate the natural motherhood. Motherhood is planned though not essential for the state. We can create custom humans of our own need by cherry picking the DNAs and nurture them in artificial womb. Hence, the population is planned. No birth defect, no mismatch anywhere. So, nowadays, a couple can apply to have a child. The application goes into queue. Fertilized seed is then planted to the mother. Well we do maintain a balanced pyramid to leverage maximum workforce and ideal mix of the society. A healthy ratio of Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Shudra is maintained. The cast is implanted in their DNA and is trapped by biometric measures subsequently. To get a Brahmin child, you need to fulfill certain criteria. You can have an automatic level one biometric test done in any of the Kiosk that is available in your nearest post office. Hindi is the official language of the country and there exist only one education system which teaches whatever is needed to be taught. The nightmare of managing diverse socio economic, cultural and languages is controlled to a very large extent. Of course I must admit that we have areas of improvements here. It’s all going well except for a few adivasis who somehow escaped the Matrix and living in areas outside the interest of the market. As such they are not big problems. In fact as they are outside the Matrix, their ladies are still fertile and considered an asset for the state. But a few nerds from the Matrix, you may call them as manufacturing defects, have joined them and trying to mobilize these adivasis against the Matrix. At times they become real threat. The Matrix is not national. Rather, the concept of nation is implemented in the Matrix. The Matrix is not owned by a single nation, state or whatever. Hence it is impossible to challenge the Matrix. The Matrix is not here by hegemony or dominance it is much beyond that. It is inevitable. But they do create a lot of disturbances and increase the cost of surveillance. Our researchers are now working on evolving more cost effective ways to deal with it. We live in a happy, prosperous rich country called India. Everybody in the Matrix envy Indians. I have created this India out of a large piece of garbage dump created by Congress. I am proud of it. I am proud of years of selfless services offered to the nation by the swayamsevaks. Today, I pay my sincere regards to all of them.
Lastly thanks to the development of quantum computing. This has made this huge data processing possible. We salute Bharatmata, Vande Mataram.
The Drishyam ends here.

An Independent Investigation Into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China –
IDEOLOGY of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission –
India swaps cash for biometric payments –

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